Commons Joins 1% for the Planet

Commons Team
October 1, 2023

Our business is rooted in the belief that spending is a critical tool for climate action. As our company and capacity has grown, joining 1% For the Planet was a natural way to continue to live out our values and support environmental organizations working towards the same goals. 

1% For the Planet is a global network of thousands of businesses and organizations that have pledged to give 1% of their annual sales directly to vetted environmental partners. As a new member of 1% for the Planet, we’re excited to join a network of companies paying the planet as a key stakeholder. 

In addition to the funds our community sends to our Offset Portfolio each quarter, contributing to 1% For the Planet gives us more impact by funding grassroots and advocacy organizations.

What does it mean to join 1% for the Planet?

In 2023, we will meet and exceed our 1% For the Planet commitment by:


Commons revenue comes from users’ Climate Neutral Subscriptions (our sole revenue source). In 2023, we will meet and exceed our 1% For the Planet commitment by: 

  • Donating to Intersectional Environmentalist through our rewards program. With our Commons rewards, Commons will match users’ rewards when they donate to Intersectional Environmentalist, a 501c3 focused on environmental storytelling centered on diversity and joy, rooted in the values of the environmental justice movement.
  • Volunteering as a team with Planting Justice, a 501(c)3 non-profit benefitting local Bay area communities with food justice education, fresh food, holistic re-entry from prison, and urban farm training

In addition to donating funds and time to these environmental organizations, Commons exists to perpetually encourage and support more just and sustainable supply chains by giving individuals the tools they need to spend sustainably. 

Joining 1% for the Planet

If your company or organization wants to join 1% For the Planet, we recommend it! The process is straightforward, and it’s a great way to build more climate accountability into any kind of organization.


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Commons team hiking
Commons Team
October 1, 2023


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