Commons Offset Portfolio: Eion

About Eion

Project Location: Alabama, USA

Offset Type: Rocks, Enhanced Rock Weathering

Duration: 1000+ years

Eion collaborates with local farmers to effectively and permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere. Their approach involves spreading crushed olivine rock on farmlands, with the rock absorbing atmospheric carbon. Over time, this carbon finds its way into the ocean due to runoff, where it is durably stored. By working with the agricultural system, Eion is on track to deliver 10 million tons of permanent carbon removal annually starting in 2030 while creating stable jobs in rural communities.

Why enhanced rock weathering?

Rock weathering is a natural mechanism that stores carbon by reacting minerals in rock with carbon dioxide. However, it usually occurs over hundreds of thousands of years.

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) projects expedite this process by crushing rock and spreading it on land, increasing the surface area and encouraging faster carbon sequestration.

Carbon Offset Evaluation

We selected Eion because of their pioneering approach to scalable, permanent carbon removal. They work with leading researchers and experts to develop a way to measure ERW in the field and turn it into a scalable climate solution that removes carbon dioxide, improves soil health, and puts people to work in American heartland communities.

Eion’s approach easily slots into current farm practices, with direct benefits to the farmer. They crush up olivine, a naturally abundant mineral that balances soil pH while efficiently absorbing carbon dioxide, and get it to farmland. Since Eion relies on routine soil samples and standard equipment to measure carbon removal and monitor soil conditions, the farmers they work with don't have to significantly change what they already do. Using existing agricultural infrastructure means Eion doesn’t have to build new facilities or buy a lot of new equipment in order to scale.

Read Eion’s project Life Cycle Assessment here →

Commons Community Impact

Commons added Eion as part of the Commons Offset Portfolio in January 2024. Commons added Our purchases support the delivery of permanent carbon removal in 2024 and 2025, providing Eion necessary capital to demonstrate the effectiveness of their enhanced rock weathering approach. We are excited to support the Eion team to attempt large-scale rock spreading in the Southeastern U.S.

Commons Offset Portfolio

Supporting carbon offsets can be a powerful way to invest in green technologies and protect natural ecosystems. But they aren’t a silver bullet – each project has a unique set of risks.

With the Commons Offset Portfolio, we do the work to maximize your impact. Just as you wouldn’t put all your money into one stock – we don’t put all your dollars into a single offset project.

Read more about Commons Offset Portfolio -->


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